Joost in the US of A!

John Kerry Rally

New York City (NEW)
John Kerry Rally
John Edwards Rally
The Ball Game
The Sculpture Garden
The Mississippi Cruise
Minneapolis in the Fall
The Roadtrip
Minneapolis & The Melrose
The Apartment

On Thursday October 21st we attended a John Kerry Rally downtown near the metrodome... the crowd was huge: about 30,000 people, making it the biggest political rally ever held in Minnesota! We got good tickets and got pretty close but security was tight, so no chance of shaking his hand this time!

Click here to see a video of us at the John Kerry rally!

Johan, Elizabeth, Mikael, Vishnu and me waiting at the Rally

Elizabeth and Jannica freezing...

John Kerry while being introduced by former vice-president and Minnesotan Walter Mondale

John Kerry during speech!